Purpose: dual purpose
Egg Production: 4 / wk
Egg Color: dark brown
Origin: France
Heritage breed: Yes
Marans, known for their dark brown eggs, are a favorite backyard breed for those who want a colorful egg basket. The shade of brown depends on the breed variety and will range from chocolate, to reddish or even copper brown. The Marans that lay the darkest eggs also tend to lay the fewest. The French varieties have feathered feet while the English varieties do not. There are more than a dozen varieties of the Marans but only black, black copper, wheaten and white are officially recognized in the U.S. (Pronunciation tip: the “s” in Marans is silent.)
(Click on images to enlarge them.)
Black Copper Marans by Nienetwiler Wheaten Marans by Ann Porteus Cuckoo Marans by seppingsR Blue Silver Marans by Nienetwiler Blue Copper Marans by Tasmin Cooper