Purpose: egg production
Egg Production: 4 / wk
Egg Color: white
Origin: Netherlands
Heritage breed: Yes
The Hamburg is a very showy breed, featuring a small and slender body, long flowing tail and pale blue legs. The Hamburg lays a lot of eggs and is quick to reach egg-laying maturity (as early as 4 months of age). But before you add the Hamburg to your backyard flock, you should know that they are not the most affectionate chicken and not always kind to other breeds. They do not bear confinement well and you’ll need to let them free range quite often. The Hamburg is a small bird that is both predator savvy and quite adept at flying. There are more than a dozen varieties but only the black, white, gold penciled, gold spangled, silver penciled and silver spangled are recognized as heritage.
(Click on images to enlarge them.)
Araucana images (Golden, Black, Blue, Chick) by Melani Marfeld, Lachshuhnzucht Herne