Purpose: dual purpose
Egg Production: 4 / wk
Egg Color: light brown
Origin: France
Heritage breed: Yes
Faverolles are a striking breed that can be identified by their muffs, beard, feathered feet and five toes. The most common is the salmon variety, with the hens having a honeyed salmon feathering on their backs. Faverolles have a very “fluffy” plumage and their beard in particular is very soft. They are also extremely friendly and curious, making them a family favorite. The Faverolle is built for cold weather and will often continue to lay right through the shortest days. It may need assistance keeping cool in hot weather. There are several varieties including black, buff, cuckoo, laced blue, salmon and white; however, only the salmon and white are recognized standards in the U.S.
(Click on images to enlarge them.)
Faverole images by Melani Marfeld, Lachshuhnzucht Herne