Take A Test Drive
Want to take the course for a spin before you buy? No problem! You can view Choosing Breeds (Module 2) in its entirety for free right now.
(When you click the button below, the demo will open in a new tab.)
(When you click the button below, the demo will open in a new tab.)
The chicken’s internal and external anatomy, bodily systems and distinctive behaviors.
Video Lessons
1: Chicken Basics
2: Outer Anatomy
3: Inner Anatomy
4: Pecking Order
5: Common Behaviors
6: All About Eggs
Quiz: 20 questions
How to select the chicken breeds that are right for your family.
Video Lessons
1: Breed Considerations
2: Recommended Breeds
3: Bonus Expert Interview
4: Breed Selector
Quiz: 5 questions
Ensure a healthy living environment for your flock by avoiding common mistakes.
Video Lessons
1: Main Considerations
2: Design & Placement
3: Inside The Coop
4: The Run
5: Bedding Considerations
6: Bedding Material
Quiz: 20 questions
Understand common predators and the steps you should take to keep your flock safe.
Video Lessons
1: A Close Call
2: Common Predators
3: General Prevention
4: Securing The Coop & Run
Quiz: 5 questions
How to care for your chicks from the time they are hatched through early adulthood.
Video Lessons
1: Preparing For Chicks
2: Brooder Location
3: DIY Brooder Setup
4: Brooder Requirements
5: Bedding (Litter)
6: Keeping Them Warm
7: Heating Options
8: Food & Water Setup
9: Feed & Water
10: General Care
Quiz: 20 questions
Diseases and other ailments common in chicks, including diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
Video Lessons
1: Recognizing Ailments
2: Prevention
3: Pasted Vent
4: Dehydration
5: Coccidiosis
6: Marek’s Disease
Quiz: 10 questions
Transitioning chicks from the brooder to the coop and the care required in special circumstances.
Video Lessons
1: From Brooder To Coop
2: Egg-ticipation!
3: Food & Water
4: Disaster Averted
5: Free Ranging
6: Extreme Cold
7: Extreme Heat
8: Broodiness
9: Molting
10: Naomi’s Gratitude
11: Deep Litter
12: Other Care Topics
Quiz: 20 questions
Diseases and other ailments common in adult chickens, including diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
Video Lessons
1: You The Investigator
2: Dietary Supplements
3: All About Poop
4: Treating Wounds
5: Creepy Crawlies
6: Mysterious Bald Spot
7: Anxious Chicken
Quiz: 10 questions